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Dog parks for Toy Poodles: benefits or harm?

Today I would like to talk about dog playgrounds.

Many puppy owners find it necessary to take their pet to dog parks. Unfortunately, these places cannot be classified as safe for a puppy or an adult dog.

We do not live in an ideal world and there is a non-zero probability of meeting an aggressive dog; in a dog park, this probability increases tenfold. For any dog, the accumulation of unfamiliar relatives is stressful, and even a peaceful dog in ordinary life can suddenly attack someone he considers a threat or prey.

The ability of many owners to manage their dog also leaves a lot to be desired, which is unfortunate but a factor to consider. Meeting a poodle puppy with an unruly large dog, even a non-aggressive one, can end in tragedy. I personally witnessed a tragic situation when a joyful kind Labrador jumped on the back of an adult Chihuahua - he did not attack, he wanted to play. Unfortunately, the Chihuahua was not designed for such games, it was not possible to save her.

In addition to the obvious danger from unruly and / or aggressive dogs, dog parks carry a hidden, but no less deadly danger - places where dogs gather are a hotbed of infectious and parasitic diseases. Fleas, coccidia, various fungal and infectious diseases... 10 pages will not be enough to list the whole bunch of diseases that can persist in the soil for years. For example, one dog with a large parvo is enough to visit the park once and defecate there and the soil will be infected for years.

A special mention to public dog drinkers - NEVER ALLOW YOUR DOG TO DRINK FROM A SHARED BOWL! Sorry for the caps, but it's a terrible idea to allow your dog to share a bowl with a huge number of other people's animals, especially in a veterinary clinic (some clinics still practice public drinkers, which always makes me confused - who better than veterinarians to know about cross-contamination ?!)

In general, my advice to you is to avoid dog parks. Instead, walk your puppy on a leash in public places, go to human and dog parks on leashes, walk the streets of your neighborhood, take your puppy to Bunnings (don't forget to bring a mat so that puppy doesn't fall through the cart with his paws). If your school allows you to come for children with dogs on a leash - take your toy poodle to the time of the collection of children, let your child's classmates pet the puppy - this is a great socialization option.

Carry your water bottle and bowl with you everywhere you go, and don't forget to clean up any traces of your dog outside. Stay safe and happy.

Sincerely yours,

Gingerbreed Toy Poodles

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